Welcome to my blog!
I was raised as a blue-eyed baby Baptist in southern Mississippi, and entered the Catholic Church in December of 1987. In 1993, I created the first gifts discernment program designed especially for Catholics. I co-founded the Catherine of Siena Institute in 1997 with my partner in crime, Michael Sweeney, OP. Since then, our small horde of collaborators has been keeping the airline industry afloat while teaching tens of thousands of lay and ordained Catholics in North America, Oceania, Europe, and Asia about the theology of the laity, gifts discernment, and vocational discernment. I am writing the Michelin Guide to the Abandoned Convents and Rectories of North America because I’ve stayed in most of them. When not on the road, I live in one of the most spectacular places on earth: Colorado.
PS. Contrary to rumor, the icon to the left is not a painting of me on a good hair day but our wonderful patroness, St. Catherine of Siena, lay Dominican and only lay Doctor of the Church.
You called, and were promptly gifted with a stock tip!
Dear Sherry,
Thanks for your advice to emphasis Dorothy Days's writings in my new blog. Will do. I know that this isn't relevant to you topic here, but it seemed like an easy place to say thank you.
Yours is a wonderful gift.
I'm wondering why you don't specifically mention that you're a Charismatic. Is it because this term is seen as a negative in some Catholic circles?
I am reading FORMING INTENTIONAL DISCIPLES at the urging of a good friend. On page 147, Weddell noted the Semitic tendency to answer a question with a question. Here is an actual exchange between Msgr. Burns and Rabbi Solomon.
MSGR. BURNS: Why do you answer questions with questions?
Sherry, your presentation at the MAC on Saturday made a difference in my life. I am a lay (music and RCIA minister), and Jesus grabbed me by the collar and said, Do Something About This. I am reaching out to our pastor, our RCIA lead, and music director with offers to help or lead. Thank you. Christ is in my life, and I am ready to go. If you have spiritual directors on your team, I would appreciate being able to link up. God bless.
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